Bacterial conjunctivitis is one of the most commonly encountered eye problems in medicine. Most cases are acute, self-limited, and not a major cause of morbidity. However, because of its high prevalence, it has a large societal impact in terms of missed days of school or work. Antibiotics can hasten the resolution of symptoms and microbial eradication and are therefore typically used to allow patients to return to their daily activities faster and to decrease the spread of disease.
Risk Factors:
Since these bacteria are usually spread from other infected individuals, poor hygienic habits may increase the risk of infection
– Poor contact lens hygiene
– Contaminated cosmetics
– Crowded living or social conditions such elementary schools, military barracks etc
– Ocular diseases including dry eye, blepharitis, and anatomic abnormalities of the ocular surface and lids
– Recent ocular surgery, exposed sutures or ocular foreign bodies
– Chronic use of topical medications
– Immune compromise
– Neonates are at particularly high risk for conjunctivitis, and this entity is discussed elsewhere in the Neonatal Conjunctivitis article.
Red Eyes, Tearing, Discharge, and Irritation.